
Cristian Sommariva
Cristian Sommariva received a Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering with specialisation in aerodynamics after graduating from the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) and ISAE-SUPAERO (Toulouse, France). After having been awarded with a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics by ISAE-SUPAERO (Toulouse, France), he performed his PhD studies at the Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research of the french Atomic Energy Commission in Cadarache (France) (CEA-Cadarache / IRFM). His PhD work consisted of the development of a relativistic kinetic module for the JOREK 3D MHD code for studying the dynamics of runaway electrons in simulated tokamak disruption. Since 2018, he is junior researcher at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Swiss Plasma Center. He his currently involved in the analysis of runaway electron experiments, in the development of the kinetic module of the JOREK code with application to runaway studies and in providing HPC support for kinetic code development and optimization.
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics