
Minisymposium: MS2G - Architecture and Performance of Hardware-Independent Frameworks for Particle-In-Cell and Grid-Based Methods (Part II)
Event TypeMinisymposium
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
TimeMonday, June 2716:00 - 18:00 CEST
LocationDarwin Room
DescriptionHeterogeneous computing architectures are unavoidable moving towards the era of exascale computing. Computing nodes are being built with ever increasing depths of hierarchy. Hardware as well as performance portability are key capabilities to make efficient use of them. Particle-in-cell (PIC) is the method of choice for computational simulations of many physical applications including, but not limited to, particle accelerators, nuclear fusion and astrophysics. Closely related to PIC schemes are the semi-Lagrangian methods which offer a grid-based alternative for many plasma physics applications. Hence, portability in the context of PIC and semi-Lagrangian schemes is of utmost importance for carrying out extreme-scale simulations in current and next generation architectures. This minisymposium will serve as a platform to discuss architecture and performance of hardware-independent and thus portable frameworks regarding particle and grid computations.